Strategic Farming Seminar

We would like to take this opportunity and sincerely thank everyone for their attendance at the Strategic Farming Seminar on @15th October 2022.

The large turnout, which was over 110+ in attendance to our very first Strategic Farming Seminar and indeed the first of its kind is evidence of what the theme stood for. For us to re-imagine the paradigm shift in Agriculture and Farming for Profit. We are beyond grateful to have received such overwhelming support and we are already underway in creating the next seminar but perhaps this time greater and better.

We would like to thank our speakers Mr. Salomo Hei, @Dr. Johan Riekert, Dr. Baby Yolande Kaurivi, Mr. Ace Mutelo, Mr. Erastus Ngaruka, Ms. Mekupi Kambatuku, MBA (USB), and our MC Ms. Reina Nelao.

Most importantly, we send a word of gratitude to our sponsors and partnerships for their generosity and assistance in any way possible AgriBank of Namibia, Energy100 FM @AMTA, High Economic Intelligence @ROOTs Agriculture College.

The event was a huge success and we look forward to giving you greater again.

Simpli here for you.

Topics covered

  • New perspective: Making farming profitable in Namibia - Dr. Johan Rieckert, CEO of ROOTs Agriculture College
  • Agri-Economics - The looming recession and its impact on Agribusinesses and farmer: Mr. Salomo Hei, Managing Director, AMTA & High Economic Intelligence
  • Farm Financial Management – Financial literacy for farmers: Ms. Mekupi Kambatuku (MBA), Lead Consultant at Simpli Business Advisory
  • The importance of Animal Health and the financial implications of not testing of bulls and cows: Dr. Baby Kaurivi - Katunahange, Veterinarian.
  • Farm management planning (Breeding, resources, etc) farming for maximum production and profit: Mr. Erastus Ngaruka, Technical Advisor; AgriBank. 
  • Special Remarks: Mr. Ace Mutelo, Manager: Information Systems Meat Board of Namibia

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